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Hanukkah in the Colors of the Rainbow

A healthy Hanukkah vacation in the spirit of the new nutritional rainbow

Eating Healthy in the Golden Years

As you grow older, the priority of a healthy, balanced diet becomes higher for keeping independent in your daily activities, reducing the risk of chronic diseases

Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

During pregnancy the body changes and the diet needs to change with it. Which foods are recommended during this time and which foods should be avoided?

Healthy Nutrition According to the Weekly Torah Portions and the Holidays

The connection between the recommendations for healthy nutrition and the Torah values and the guidance of the Torah sages is presented through a collection of materials and an illustrated book.

The Nutritional Rainbow Diet for Healthy Nutrition

Eating Efsharibari according to the Ministry of Health's national nutritional recommendations

Healthy and Active Lifestyle in the Education System During Wartime

Recommendations and educational materials for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, applicable to both in-person and remote learning settings, as well as for centers internally displaced people.

Healthy Anywhere, Anytime: Emergency Routine

How can routine be maintained during emergencies? Tips for adults over 18

EfshariBari Breastfeeding – a Healthy Start in Life

Important information for deciding whether to breastfeed: health, developmental and cognitive benefits of breastfeeding and their impact later on in life

Healthy Food Packages for Soldiers

We at EfshariBari suggest that you select foods that will both benefit the soldiers' health and delight them.

How to Nurture a Healthy Soul

How do we strengthen our emotional muscles? How can we boost our self-confidence?

Real Fruit Popsicles

No added sugar or flavor extracts, with lots of real fruit: a sweet and healthy recipe for home-made popsicles.

Staying in Motion in Your Golden Years: Active and Healthy

Being active at an older age: what type of physical activity is recommended, how much time should we spend exercising and what should we be concerned with?

Healthy Nutrition: Your Way to Strengthen Your Immune System

The coronavirus vaccines are already here, and still our nutrition plays a crucial role in strengthening our body and our immune system and in protecting us from chronic and infectious diseases

Efsharibari Report 2019

Activity report of the National Program for Active and Healthy Living for the year 2019

EfshariBari Purim

Purim has become in recent years a holiday of sweets and processed snacks that have taken over the Purim baskets that children bring to school and preschool – but there is another way!